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How to run the project

1. Run the backend

$ cd backend
$ docker-compose up -d
$ poetry install

Before you move on, activate your virtual environment (VM). It can look something similar to the following, depending on your VM activation instructions. Replace <vm-folder> with the folder name where you placed your VM in the project.

$ source <vm-folder>/venv/bin/activate

Following the VM activation, migrate data and run the server.

(venv) $ python migrate
(venv) $ python opensearch index rebuild
(venv) $ python opensearch document index
(venv) $ python runserver

After this, the backend must be visible on localhost (by default

Note: Your localhost might sit on a different domain. Act accordingly.

Do not be scared if the provided domain navigates you to a blank site. Three options are going to be displayed there:

  1. /admin/ - Access the administrator site of the backend.

  2. /api/v1/ - Access the database of users and lectures.

  3. /api-auth/ - Login/Logout

In order to access the one of the subdomains listed above, put next to the localhost address the desired option, like this:

2. Add users

Add a super admin user with username: admin and password: 123456.

$ python loaddata users.json

The backend can be accessed by the credentials present in users.json file.

If you wish to modify/add the admin credentials, open backend/cds/users.json then modify the existing ones or add new admin by providing another username and password.

3. Add lectures

For local usage only:

$ python loaddata lectures.json
$ python opensearch index rebuild
$ python opensearch document index

4. Run the UI

$ cd ui
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

5. Harvest lectures from CDS

  • Harvest a specific date:
$ cd harvest
$ poetry install
$ scrapy crawl CDS -a "from_date=2021-09-01"
  • Harvest all lectures up until now:
$ cd harvest
$ poetry install
$ scrapy crawl CDS -a "migrate_all=True"